PyOpenWorm.command module

exception PyOpenWorm.command.ConfigMissingException(key)[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError

exception PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError[source]

Bases: Exception

An error which should be reported to the user. Not necessarily an error that is the user’s fault

exception PyOpenWorm.command.InvalidGraphException[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError

Thrown when a graph cannot be translated due to formatting errors

exception PyOpenWorm.command.NoConfigFileError[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError

exception PyOpenWorm.command.POWDirMissingException[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError

exception PyOpenWorm.command.StatementValidationError(statements)[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError

exception PyOpenWorm.command.UnreadableGraphException[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.GenericUserError

Thrown when a graph cannot be read due to it being missing, the active user lacking permissions, etc.

class PyOpenWorm.command.POW[source]

Bases: object

High-level commands for working with PyOpenWorm data

add_graph(self, url=None, context=None, include_imports=True)[source]

Fetch a graph and add it to the local store.

url : str

The URL of the graph to fetch

context : rdflib.term.URIRef

If provided, only this context and, optionally, its imported graphs will be added.

include_imports : bool

If True, imports of the named context will be included. Has no effect if context is None.

clone(self, url=None, update_existing_config=False)[source]

Clone a data store

url : str

URL of the data store to clone

update_existing_config : bool

If True, updates the existing config file to point to the given file for the store configuration

commit(self, message)[source]

Write the graph to the local repository

message : str

commit message

context(self, context=None, user=False)[source]

Read or set current target context for the repository

context : str

The context to set

user : bool

If set, set the context only for the current user. Has no effect for retrieving the context


Show differences between what’s in the working context set and what’s in the serializations

fetch_graph(self, url)[source]

Fetch a graph

url : str

URL for the graph

git(self, *args)[source]

Runs git commmands in the .pow directory

*args : *str

arguments to git

imports_context(self, context=None, user=False)[source]

Read or set current target imports context for the repository

context : str

The context to set

user : bool

If set, set the context only for the current user. Has no effect for retrieving the context

init(self, update_existing_config=False)[source]

Makes a new graph store.

The configuration file will be created if it does not exist. If it does exist, the location of the database store will, by default, not be changed in that file

update_existing_config : bool

If True, updates the existing config file to point to the given file for the store configuration


List contexts

reconstitute(self, data_source)[source]

Recreate a data source by executing the chain of translators that went into making it.

data_source : str

Identifier for the data source to reconstitute

save(self, module, provider=None, context=None)[source]

Save the data in the given context

module : str

Name of the module housing the provider

provider : str

Name of the provider, a callble that accepts a context object and adds statements to it. Can be a “dotted” name indicating attribute accesses

context : str

The target context

serialize(self, context=None, destination=None, format='nquads', whole_graph=False)[source]

Serialize the current data context or the one provided

context : str

The context to save

destination : file or str

A file-like object to write the file to or a file name. If not provided, messages the result.

format : str

Serialization format (ex, ‘n3’, ‘nquads’)

whole_graph: bool

Serialize all contexts from all graphs (this probably isn’t what you want)

translate(self, translator, output_key=None, output_identifier=None, data_sources=(), named_data_sources=None)[source]

Do a translation with the named translator and inputs

translator : str

Translator identifier

imports_context_ident : str

Identifier for the imports context. All imports go in here

output_key : str

Output key. Used for generating the output’s identifier. Exclusive with output_identifier

output_identifier : str

Output identifier. Exclusive with output_key

data_sources : list of str

Input data sources

named_data_sources : dict

Named input data sources


The config file name


Log level


The base directory for PyOpenWorm files. The repository provider’s files also go under here


The file name of the database store

class PyOpenWorm.command.POWSource(parent)[source]

Bases: object

Commands for working with DataSource objects

create(self, kind, key, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create the source and add it to the graph.

Arguments are determined by the type of the data source

kind : rdflib.term.URIRef

The kind of source to create

key : str

The key, a unique name for the source

list(self, context=None, kind=None, full=False)[source]

List known sources

kind : str

Only list sources of this kind

context : str

The context to query for sources

full : bool

Whether to (attempt to) shorten the source URIs by using the namespace manager

list_kinds(self, full=False)[source]

List kinds of sources

full : bool

Whether to (attempt to) shorten the source URIs by using the namespace manager

show(self, *data_source)[source]
*data_source : str

The ID of the data source to show


Commands for saving and loading data for DataSources

class PyOpenWorm.command.POWSourceData(parent)[source]

Bases: object

Commands for saving and loading data for DataSources

retrieve(self, source, archive='data.tar', archive_type=None)[source]

Retrieves the data for the source

source : str

The source for data

archive : str

The file name of the archive. If this ends with an extension like ‘.zip’, and no archive_type argument is given, then an archive will be created of that type. The archive name will not have any extension appended in any case.

archive_type : str

The type of the archive to create.

class PyOpenWorm.command.SaveValidationFailureRecord(user_module, stack, validation_record)[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.SaveValidationFailureRecord

class PyOpenWorm.command.UnimportedContextRecord(context, node_index, statement)[source]

Bases: PyOpenWorm.command.UnimportedContextRecord