Source code for PyOpenWorm.worm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

from .dataObject import DatatypeProperty, ObjectProperty, Alias
from .muscle import Muscle
from .cell import Cell
from .biology import BiologyType
from .network import Network
from .worm_common import WORM_RDF_TYPE

[docs]class Worm(BiologyType): """ A representation of the whole worm """ class_context = BiologyType.class_context rdf_type = WORM_RDF_TYPE scientific_name = DatatypeProperty() ''' Scientific name for the organism ''' name = Alias(scientific_name) ''' Alias to `scientific_name` ''' muscle = ObjectProperty(value_type=Muscle, multiple=True) ''' A type of muscle which is in the worm ''' cell = ObjectProperty(value_type=Cell) ''' A cell in the worm ''' neuron_network = ObjectProperty(value_type=Network, inverse_of=(Network, 'worm')) ''' The neuron network of the worm ''' def __init__(self, scientific_name=False, **kwargs): super(Worm, self).__init__(**kwargs) if scientific_name: self.scientific_name(scientific_name) else: self.scientific_name("C. elegans")
[docs] def get_neuron_network(self): """ Return the neuron network of the worm. Example:: # Grabs the representation of the neuronal network >>> net = P.Worm().get_neuron_network() # Grab a specific neuron >>> aval = net.aneuron('AVAL') >>> aval.type() set([u'interneuron']) #show how many connections go out of AVAL >>> aval.connection.count('pre') 77 :returns: An object to work with the network of the worm :rtype: PyOpenWorm.Network """ return self.neuron_network()
[docs] def muscles(self): """ Get all Muscle objects attached to the Worm. Example:: >>> muscles = P.Worm().muscles() >>> len(muscles) 96 :returns: A set of all muscles :rtype: :py:class:`set` """ return set(x for x in self._muscles_helper())
def _muscles_helper(self): for x in self.muscle.get(): yield x
[docs] def get_semantic_net(self): """ Get the underlying semantic network as an RDFLib Graph :returns: A semantic network containing information about the worm :rtype: rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph """ return self.rdf
[docs] def defined_augment(self): ''' True if the name is defined ''' return
[docs] def identifier_augment(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Result is derived from the name property ''' return self.make_identifier([0])
__yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Worm,)