Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

from .dataObject import ObjectProperty, Alias
from .connection import Connection
from .neuron import Neuron
from .biology import BiologyType
from .worm_common import WORM_RDF_TYPE

[docs]class Network(BiologyType): """ A network of neurons """ class_context = BiologyType.class_context synapse = ObjectProperty(value_type=Connection, multiple=True) ''' Returns a set of all synapses in the network ''' neuron = ObjectProperty(value_type=Neuron, multiple=True) ''' Returns a set of all Neuron objects in the network ''' worm = ObjectProperty(value_rdf_type=WORM_RDF_TYPE) ''' The worm connected to the network ''' synapses = Alias(synapse) ''' Alias to `synapse` ''' neurons = Alias(neuron) ''' Alias to `neuron` ''' def __init__(self, worm=None, **kwargs): super(Network, self).__init__(**kwargs) if worm is not None: self.worm(worm)
[docs] def neuron_names(self): """ Gets the complete set of neurons' names in this network. Example:: # Grabs the representation of the neuronal network >>> net = Worm().get_neuron_network() #NOTE: This is a VERY slow operation right now >>> len(set(net.neuron_names())) 302 >>> set(net.neuron_names()) set(['VB4', 'PDEL', 'HSNL', 'SIBDR', ... 'RIAL', 'MCR', 'LUAL']) """ return set( for x in self.neuron())
[docs] def aneuron(self, name): """ Get a neuron by name. Example:: # Grabs the representation of the neuronal network >>> net = Worm().get_neuron_network() # Grab a specific neuron >>> aval = net.aneuron('AVAL') >>> aval.type() set([u'interneuron']) :param name: Name of a c. elegans neuron :returns: Neuron corresponding to the name given :rtype: PyOpenWorm.neuron.Neuron """ return Neuron.contextualize(self.context)(name=name, conf=self.conf)
[docs] def sensory(self): """ Get all sensory neurons :returns: A iterable of all sensory neurons :rtype: iter(Neuron) """ n = Neuron.contextualize(self.context)() n.type('sensory') self.neuron.set(n) res = list(n.load()) self.neuron.unset(n) return res
[docs] def interneurons(self): """ Get all interneurons :returns: A iterable of all interneurons :rtype: iter(Neuron) """ n = Neuron.contextualize(self.context)() n.type('interneuron') self.neuron.set(n) res = list(n.load()) self.neuron.unset(n) return res
[docs] def motor(self): """ Get all motor :returns: A iterable of all motor neurons :rtype: iter(Neuron) """ n = Neuron.contextualize(self.context)() n.type('motor') self.neuron.set(n) res = list(n.load()) self.neuron.unset(n) return res
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): return self.make_identifier(self.worm.defined_values[0].identifier.n3())
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return self.worm.has_defined_value()
__yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Network,)