Source code for PyOpenWorm.my_neuroml

from PyOpenWorm.neuron import Neuron

from import DataUser
import neuroml as N

[docs]class NeuroML(DataUser):
[docs] @classmethod def generate(cls, o, t=2): """ Get a NeuroML object that represents the given object. The ``type`` determines what content is included in the NeuroML object: :param o: The object to generate neuroml from :param t: The what kind of content should be included in the document - 0=full morphology+biophysics - 1=cell body only+biophysics - 2=full morphology only :returns: A NeuroML object that represents the given object. :rtype: NeuroMLDocument """ if isinstance(o, Neuron): # read in the morphology data d = N.NeuroMLDocument( c = N.Cell( c.morphology = o.morphology() d.cells.append(c) return d else: raise "Not a valid object for conversion to neuroml"
[docs] @classmethod def write(cls, o, n): """ Write the given neuroml document object out to a file :param o: The NeuroMLDocument to write :param n: The name of the file to write to """ N.writers.NeuroMLWriter.write(o, n)
@classmethod def validate(cls, o): pass