Source code for PyOpenWorm.collections

from rdflib.term import URIRef
from .dataObject import DataObject, DatatypeProperty, UnionProperty, Alias

[docs]class Bag(DataObject): """ A convenience class for working with a collection of objects Example:: v = Bag('unc-13 neurons and muscles') n = P.Neuron() m = P.Muscle() n.receptor('UNC-13') m.receptor('UNC-13') for x in n.load(): v.value(x) for x in m.load(): v.value(x) # Save the group for later use ... # get the list back u = Bag('unc-13 neurons and muscles') nm = list(u.value()) """ class_context = URIRef('') value = UnionProperty() '''An object in the group''' add = Alias(value) '''An alias for ``value``''' name = DatatypeProperty() '''The name of the group of objects''' group_name = Alias(name) '''Alias for ``name``'''
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return self.group_name.has_defined_value()
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): return self.make_identifier_direct(self.group_name.onedef())
__yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Bag,)