Source code for PyOpenWorm.cell

from __future__ import print_function

from string import Template
import neuroml

from .channel import Channel
from .biology import BiologyType
from .dataObject import DatatypeProperty, ObjectProperty, This
from .cell_common import CELL_RDF_TYPE

__all__ = ["Cell"]

# XXX: Should we specify somewhere whether we have NetworkX or something else?
ns = {'ns1': ''}
segment_query = Template("""
SELECT ?seg_id ?seg_name ?x ?y ?z ?d ?par_id ?x_prox ?y_prox ?z_prox ?d_prox
  ?p ns1:id '$morph_name' .
  ?p ns1:segment ?segment .
  ?segment ns1:distal 	?loop
         ; ns1:id 	    ?seg_id
         ; ns1:name 	?seg_name .

      ?segment ns1:proximal	?loop_prox .
      ?loop_prox ns1:x ?x_prox
        ; ns1:y ?y_prox
        ; ns1:z ?z_prox
        ; ns1:diameter ?d_prox .
  OPTIONAL {?segment ns1:parent ?par . ?par ns1:segment ?par_id  }.
  ?loop ns1:x ?x
    ; ns1:y ?y
    ; ns1:z ?z
    ; ns1:diameter ?d .
segment_group_query = Template("""
SELECT ?gid ?member ?include
  ?p ns1:id '$morph_name' .
  ?p ns1:segmentGroup ?seg_group .
  ?seg_group ns1:id ?gid .
    ?seg_group ns1:include ?inc .
    ?inc ns1:segmentGroup ?include .
    ?seg_group ns1:member ?inc .
    ?inc ns1:segment ?member .

def _dict_merge(d1, d2):
    from itertools import chain
    dict(chain(d1.items(), d2.items()))

[docs]class Cell(BiologyType): """ A biological cell. All cells with the same name are considered to be the same object. Parameters ----------- name : str The name of the cell lineageName : str The lineageName of the cell """ class_context = BiologyType.class_context rdf_type = CELL_RDF_TYPE divisionVolume = DatatypeProperty() ''' The volume of the cell at division Example:: >>> v = Quantity("600","(um)^3") >>> c = Cell(lineageName="AB plapaaaap") >>> c.divisionVolume(v) ''' name = DatatypeProperty() ''' The 'adult' name of the cell typically used by biologists when discussing C. elegans ''' wormbaseID = DatatypeProperty() description = DatatypeProperty() ''' A description of the cell ''' channel = ObjectProperty(value_type=Channel, multiple=True, inverse_of=(Channel, 'appearsIn')) lineageName = DatatypeProperty() ''' The lineageName of the cell Example:: >>> c = Cell(name="ADAL") >>> c.lineageName() # Returns ["AB plapaaaapp"] ''' synonym = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) daughterOf = ObjectProperty(value_type=This, inverse_of=(This, 'parentOf')) parentOf = ObjectProperty(value_type=This, multiple=True) def __init__(self, name=None, lineageName=None, **kwargs): super(Cell, self).__init__(**kwargs) if name: if lineageName: self.lineageName(lineageName) def _morphology(self): """Return the morphology of the cell. Currently this is restricted to `Neuron <#neuron>`_ objects. """ morph_name = "morphology_" + str( # Query for segments query = segment_query.substitute(morph_name=morph_name) qres = self.rdf.query(query, initNs=ns) morph = neuroml.Morphology(id=morph_name) for r in qres: par = False if r['par_id']: par = neuroml.SegmentParent(segments=str(r['par_id'])) s = neuroml.Segment(name=str(r['seg_name']), id=str(r['seg_id']), parent=par) else: s = neuroml.Segment(name=str(r['seg_name']), id=str(r['seg_id'])) if r['x_prox']: loop_prox = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam(*(r[x] for x in ['x_prox', 'y_prox', 'z_prox', 'd_prox'])) s.proximal = loop_prox loop = neuroml.Point3DWithDiam(*(r[x] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'd'])) s.distal = loop morph.segments.append(s) # Query for segment groups query = segment_group_query.substitute(morph_name=morph_name) qres = self.rdf.query(query, initNs=ns) for r in qres: s = neuroml.SegmentGroup(id=r['gid']) if r['member']: m = neuroml.Member() m.segments = str(r['member']) s.members.append(m) elif r['include']: i = neuroml.Include() i.segment_groups = str(r['include']) s.includes.append(i) morph.segment_groups.append(s) return morph
[docs] def blast(self): """ Return the blast name. Example:: >>> c = Cell(name="ADAL") >>> c.blast() # Returns "AB" Note that this isn't a Property. It returns the blast extracted from the ''first'' lineageName saved. """ import re try: ln = self.lineageName() x = re.split("[. ]", ln) return x[0] except Exception: return ""
def __str__(self): if return str([0].idl) else: return super(Cell, self).__str__()
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return
[docs] def identifier_augment(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.make_identifier_direct(str([0].identifier))
__yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Cell,)